Namibia Segelfliegen

Flying with the Youngsters


We are a coaching platform to connect you with experienced glider pilots. Improve your cross-country gliding, have a safety pilot with you and make your flying in Namibia a success.

What is Flying with the Youngsters?

Flying in Namibia, a dream of every glider pilot. Namibia is associated with strong thermals, fast speeds and seemingly endless final approaches. In Namibia, flying 1000 km are part of everyday life. But as pilots we have experienced ourselves how accurately one must prepare oneself for such a flying vacation. Packing list, arrival, special characteristics of the Bitterwasser pan, temperatures above 35 degrees, self-launch at 1400 meters altitude, blue thermals and few outlanding fields, lack of oxygen at over 5000m altitude, and much more - every flight is a challenge for body, material and mind. Flying with the Youngsters or short FWTY, is a platform to connect you with pilots who have flown in Namibia already and have made astonishing flights. They pass on their experience to you, but do not yet have the financial means to afford a vacation in Namibia on their own.

<span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Flying with the Youngsters</span>
Flying with the Youngsters - Dein Quantensprung im Streckensegelflug

Flying with the Youngsters ist ein jugendförderndes Trainingsangebot im Streckensegelflug. Wir begleiten Dich bei Segelflugreisen nach Namibia, Südfrankreich oder Spanien.

Segelflugsaison 2023 in Namibia: Die Saison startet mit einem knappen 1000 km Flug

Die Segelflugsaison 2023 in Namibia ist eröffnet! Reinhard Schramme und Elmar Erik Fischer starteten mit einem knappen 1000-km-Flug. Ideale Bedingungen bis Januar.

Angelika Gleich (HCF) in Hoachanas&nbsp;
FWTY-Weihnachtsaktion: Hoachanas Children Fund

In Hoachanas gibt es vielfältige Möglichkeiten sich zu engagieren - wir wollen Aufmerksamkeit auf die immens wichtige Arbeit eines tollen Projektes lenken.

Melde dich für unseren Newsletter an & werde FWTY Member

Wenn du nichts von FWTY verpassen möchtest, du von unseren Erlebnissen in Namibia lesen willst oder dir umsere Amgebote nicht entgehen sollen - melde dich als Mitglied unseres FWTY-Blog an.

Arcus M bei Sonnenuntergang in Bitterwasser, Namibia
Segelfliegen in Namibia - Urlaub & Coaching mit Flying with the Youngsters

Namibia - das ist das Paradies für Segelflieger. Der Traum von vielen, hier einmal im Leben gewesen und geflogen zu sein. Wenn man im Condor-Segelflugsimulator auf Thermik "bombastisch" einstellt und jeder Aufwind 5 m/s oder mehr bringt. Clemens berichtet von 2 Wochen als FWTY Trainer.

Arcus MA nach der Landung in der Bitterwasserpfanne
FWTY Blog online 🤩

Wir wollen in Zukunft ein bisschen mehr über Segelfliegen in Namibia berichten. Dafür haben wir nun einen tollen Blog.

Ready for your adventure in Namibia?

#FWTY #Offering

Individual Experience

You might not be able to fly on your own? You need a safety pilot with you but still want to fly big distances? FWTY is your copilot.

#FWTY #Offering

Improve your cross-country flying

You've flown in Namibia before, but still want to improve your skills with a coach. We accompany you as co-pilot in the cockpit. Together we will optimize your skills and get the best out of the day.

#FWTY #Offering

For those flying for the first time in Namibia

Your coach will make the first flights in Namibia with you and accompany you step by step to become familiar with the peculiarities of Namibia. This includes from the departure in Germany and a packing list, to the landing in the pan in Bitterwasser everything you need for a safe and unforgettable vacation in Namibia.

Namibia Segelfliegen



The well-known airfield for legendary gliding experiences. Starting point for flights with Flying with the Youngsters.

Bitterwasser Lodge & Flying Centeris known as a paradise for gliders. Every year hundreds of 1000km-flights are made here in unsurpassable thermals. The airfield is located 3 hours drive south of Windhoek and offers exclusive comfort and optimal conditions for gliders.

Happy Pilots

Ulrich Wild, 1000km Flug Bitterwasser

Ulrich Wild

I can highly recommend Flying with the Youngsters. Bitterwasser offers ideal conditions for expanding flying horizons. I had two fantastic weeks.

Arcus M

2 weeks


Cipriano K.

Cipriano Kritzinger


Coaching by an experienced glider pilot and flying as a team is the fastest way to achieve a quantum leap in cross country flying.

Arcus M

2 weeks
